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Akane (BloodCon Book 2) Page 5

  Pony walked around him and stood in from of him. “You called me a whore and a bitch. Want to go for the trifecta and call me a cunt, too?”

  “I … I’m sorry,” he pleaded.

  “I am none of those,” Pony said. “I am a lady. Say it.”

  Blood oozed down Whore Two’s neck. “You’re a lady.”

  “An angry lady, too.”

  Pony lifted her Mary Jane and kicked him in the teeth, shattering them on impact. She knelt down and crunched on his jugular vein as a barrage of blood ceaselessly flowed from it. She drank, taking in the sweet essence.

  This one likes rice wine. Nice.

  When she was done with him, she went to the guy at the trashcan. He was moaning and holding his back. She lunged forward and felt a sharp, burning pain in her stomach. She looked down and saw a silver Bowie knife in Whore One’s hand. Pony fell back, holding her wound.

  It wasn’t healing.

  She charged Whore One again, this time kicking the knife out of his hand. She grabbed him by his neck and dug her fangs deep inside. She swished the blood around in her mouth and smacked her lips together. “A little too tart for my taste, you tart.”

  Quickly throwing open a Dumpster, Pony folded his body like a washcloth and threw him in. She went to get the other body and rummaged through his pockets and found six silver throwing stars wrapped inside a grainy picture of her.

  Shit! They weren’t hosts! They were AVA!

  Pony hurled Whore Two through the air, and his body hit the inside top of the trashcan before crumpling into the darkness. She slammed the Dumpster closed.

  Pony wiped her bloody mouth with her sleeve and jumped up and down as if she just made a three-pointer. “Score!” She winced and held her stomach. “But sending humans for me? I’m offended.”

  “Akane Ito!”

  Pony turned to see three more men, two of them holding knives and one holding a gun.

  “You can’t be serious.” Pony laughed. “Didn’t you see what I did to your buddies?” She shook her head. “Some people never learn.”

  The two with the knives charged at her, swinging wildly and cutting the air when they got close. Pony dodged their jabs while tripping one of them. She felt the handle of her katana through the kimono cloth and whipped it out and upward, cutting the standing guy from his balls to his head. Before the other guy could get up, Pony sliced through both of his arms. Blood spurted wildly everywhere and he spun in a circle.

  As she charged the last man, she felt excruciating, sharp pains vibrate through her body. She stopped and looked at her kimono, which was now smoking from several holes in the cloth.

  Pure silver shards!

  Pony could feel the silvers doing their work. She began to feel weak, and her hands started to shake.

  The third man lifted his gun, intending to finish her off.

  Not this time! She picked up the armless man and flung his corpse toward the gunman as he fired, and the body caught the silver shards before it landed on the gunman.

  Pony limped over to the gunman, who was whimpering and shaking. She took her katana and drove it deep into his skull. After she pulled it out, she licked the blade. “Your brains taste like shit, shit for brains.” She spat into his lifeless face and separated his head from his body. “No harm done, asshole. You didn’t use your head anyway.”

  Pony hobbled away, holding her stomach.

  Chapter Eight

  It Ain’t Easy Being Mean

  John heard movement in and among the trees, and Pony came in sight. She was walking hunched down, using her sword for balance.

  “Pony!” John yelled, his voice cracking while running toward her as she collapsed. He looked at her smoking kimono and blood on her katana. He snatched her up and carried her to the house.

  He slammed the shoji door open with Pony laying in his arms.

  “John, what’s happened?” Mari’s voice shook. “Bring her in!” Mari watched in shock as John sped to his room and laid Pony on his bed. He took her blade and rested it against the wall.

  “Who would do this?” Mari asked, examining Pony.

  “I … I don’t know, Mom!” He frantically tussled with the kimono, trying to take it off of Pony. “It’s like it’s on fire but it’s not burning me.”

  Mari helped him strip Pony down to her underwear. She examined Pony’s skin, which was riddled with silver shards. She ran out of the room and retrieved tweezers and a bowl of hot water, a towel, and some gauze pads.

  “What are you doing?” John yelled.

  “We need to take these things out of her. They are killing her!”

  “Wait!” John yelled.

  Pony screamed as Mari removed one of the shards. Once removed, the wound started to heal. Mari removed another one, a big one lodged in Pony’s bellybutton. Pony howled in pain, her teeth protruding, revealing razor sharp incisors.

  “We need to remove them all,” Mari said. “Hold her down.”

  John held Pony down as Mari removed 32 silver shards from her body. Every time Pony screamed, John felt his heart breaking.

  When Mari was done, she wiped down the already healing wounds and placed gauze in the wound in Pony’s abdomen.

  Pony smiled, said “thank you both,” and fell into a deep sleep.


  Pony woke up to voices outside of the bedroom. She recognized them as John and Mari.

  “I’ve never seen anything like that. Her body started healing the second I removed the silver pieces. Didn’t you see her earlier last night?”

  “We argued. She took off. She was fine when she left, a little mad, but she was physically fine. I should have tried harder to keep her here.” John’s voice cracked.

  “You may not have been able to get her to stay. Come here, John.”

  The voices became muffled, but Pony could still hear them.

  “Kyūketsuki,” Mari said. “She is Kyūketsuki.”

  “Kyūketsuki?” said John. “Those don’t exist, Mom. I mean, we’ve been out in the day and she has a reflection and—”

  “Then how else to explain this, John?” Mari interrupted. “There are things in this world that are hard to understand. I mean, think about it. You usually see her at night, you said she’s unusually fast and strong, and those teeth!”

  “She’s Goth, Mom. She could have had her teeth shaved like that.”

  “They are retractable, John,” Mari said. “Where can anyone get that done? Also, explain how Grandpa swears up and down that he knows her. What about the reaction she had when she saw him?”

  John was silent.

  “When she wakes up, ask her, John.”

  “Oh, right,” John said. “Um, Pony, my mom and I think you’re a vampire. That sounds insane, Mom.”

  “This whole situation is insane, John. You love her, don’t you?”

  “More than anything in this world.”

  Pony smiled despite her pain.

  “Then ask her,” Mari said. “Find out what happened. Find out what she really is.”

  Pony closed her eyes as their voices trailed off. I didn’t want him to find out this way. I didn’t want him to find out at all.

  I should have left Japan when I had the chance.


  Pony woke up, adjusting her eyes to the dark room. John was sitting in a chair by her side asleep. His school uniform hung from the back of it.


  John snapped to. “Hey.”


  “How are you feeling?” John asked.

  “I feel like a house landed on me.”

  John leaned over and kissed her.

  A weak smile formed on her face. “I heard you and your mom talking.”

  “You did?” John scratched his head. “My mom has quite an imagination. I mean, you’re different but you can’t possibly be a, um, a …”

  “I’m a vampire, John. Your mother is right.”

  John was silent for a moment. “Well, that
explains an awful lot. Why you’re so fast. How you can disappear. Why your hands and lips are so cold.”

  “You warm them up, John,” Pony said. “Every time you touch them.”

  “So you’re not … technically alive,” John said.

  “Right,” Pony said.

  “So we could never be together,” John said.

  “There are ways, but …” Pony sighed.

  “What ways?” John asked.

  “I’d rather not tell you, okay?” She reached up and caressed his cheek. “I don’t want you to live this life, I mean, experience this existence.”

  John nodded. “Do you really know my grandpa?”

  “Yes, I do. I was in love with him a long time ago, before I was a vampire. We met one day at the bridge a little ways from here. The one over the Koi pond. He was playing baseball with some other kids when the ball bounced past me. I ran to get it to return to him. He asked me how I could move so fast and that’s when we started talking. We would meet at that same bridge at night because my dad was usually passed out. Those nights, I was able to sneak out to see him. He was usually there waiting for me.The last time I saw your grandfather was the night before we were supposed to run away together. He wanted to take me from this abusive home. We were both teenagers but we didn’t care how hard things would be or how we would get by, we just wanted to be together. Somehow my father found out about him and went to that bridge that night and caught me while I was waiting. He hit me and told me that he killed your grandfather. That was the night I killed my father.”

  John jumped from the chair and paced. “How old are you, in human years?”


  “Whoa! You’re older than my mother!”

  Pony giggled. “And I haven’t had any work done,” She jerked in pain.

  John knelt next to the bed. “What is it?”

  “It’s this wound. When the guy stabbed me, a piece must have broken off the blade.

  “But we took all the silver out.”

  “I know but it was in there too long before it was taken out,” Pony groaned. She tried to sit up and released a bloodcurdling scream.

  “Stay put.” John removed the cover Pony was wrapped in. He peeled off the gauze that was taped to the wound. It was festering and still smoking. “It’s not healing at all. What will it take to heal it?”

  “Blood,” Pony whispered.

  “What kind of blood?”


  John looked at the festering wound. “Bite me, Pony.”

  “Wow. Rude much, John?” Pony giggled.

  “I’m serious.”

  “I know you are, but I can’t ask you to do that.”

  “Why not?” John asked.

  Pony was silent.

  “I couldn’t protect you from whoever did this to you. At least let me heal you. Please.”

  Pony shook her head. “No.”

  “Please, Pony,” John said, squeezing her hands. “I love you.” He kissed her tenderly. “I can’t think of a future without you. Please, let me heal you.”

  He really does love me. “You do know what might happen to you if I feed from you, don’t you?”

  “I think I do,” John said. “You might, um, change me.”

  “Not if I’m only feeding or trying to heal,” Pony said. “But I haven’t fed for a while. I might lose my mind and …” she sighed. “Your life will vanish, John.”

  “And my new life will begin,” John said. “With you.”

  Both of Pony’s eyes filled with tears this time. “I don’t want to be your Maker, John.”

  “My Maker?”

  “If I ‘make’ you, I will have control over you.”

  John smiled. “Like you’ve had control over me so far.”

  “True.” She nodded. “You may one day be the first made vampire whose Maker can’t control him. Give me your hand.”

  John gave his hand to Pony.

  She lifted it up to her mouth and turned it. “This might hurt a little.” Pony chomped down on his wrist.

  “Oh shit!” John jumped. When the initial pain subsided, he moaned and looked at his crotch. “Whoa. Is this normal?” He pointed at his erection.

  Pony nodded.


  Pony shrugged and continued sucking.

  “Oh. Right. You can’t talk right now.”

  Pony slowly sucked. She usually did not take blood so gently. John’s blood was sweet, like him. She detached from his wrist and lowered it to her abdomen, gently squeezing. Blood dropped into the wound, causing it to heal and seal up completely.

  “Thank you.” Pony took a clean bandage from a nightstand and wrapped his wrist.

  “My pleasure,” John said.

  Pony giggled and pointed to John’s crotch, which was wet. “It certainly was.”

  John covered his crotch. “I didn’t realize I … I’ll be back.” He left the room and returned a few minutes later wearing new pants. He held out a towel and some clothes. “I started the shower for you.”

  “Do I smell that bad?”

  John bit his lower lip. “Um, kinda.”

  Pony got out of the bed and followed John to the bathroom. He set the towel and clothes on the toilet and turned around when he saw Pony undressing. Pony stepped into the shower and closed the shower curtain.



  “I need a washcloth.”

  John pulled the shower curtain back and reached to give her a washcloth.

  Pony put her hand on his. “Come inside.”

  John shed his clothes, and joined Pony in the shower. “Is it okay if I …”

  Pony smiled. “Yes. It’s okay if you …”

  John embraced her, kissing her deeply. He moved to her neck, licking and kissing, then to her chest, cupping each breast and gently sucking, then back up, claiming her mouth with his.

  Pony moaned, inundated with the tenderness of his touch. She grabbed his buttocks and squeezed while his erect penis poked her in her stomach before he picked her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck.

  “This will be my first time,” John said.

  “Mine, too.” Pony replied.

  “I get to make love to a sixty-two year old virgin?”

  Pony nodded.

  John looked down, wrapped his hand around his penis and tried entering her, missing on his first try.

  “I think that’s the wrong hole.” Pony said.

  “Oh, sorry.” He readjusted his grip and leaned into her, bumping his forehead with hers. “Shit.”

  Pony giggled nervously.

  John adjusted himself once again, working his penis around until he found her sweet spot. He entered her with some difficulty, her flower opening to accept him, then wrapping around him, squeezing like a closed fist.

  Pony gasped as John increased his pace, moaning louder with every upward thrust. He loosened the bandage on his wrist with his teeth, dropping it to the bottom of the shower.

  “Bite me,” he asked breathlessly. He lifted his wrist to her mouth.

  Pony bit down.

  Waves of pleasure swept throughout John’s body as he pumped faster, before exploding inside of her. She cried out, arched her back, and coated his penis with a velvety rush of moisture, her fangs exposed as she cried out.

  Still pumping, John watched her expression and came again. “Holy shit!” John shuddered with satisfaction.

  They stood in the steady stream of water for a few moments, their bodies calming.

  John squeezed some body wash on a bath sponge and scrubbed her chest, working his way down to her soft folds and then to her legs and feet. He turned her around and washed her back, her buttocks, and below.

  “I could get used to this,” Pony whispered.

  John wrapped his hands around her waist. “I love you, Pony.”

  “I …” She sighed. “I have never loved anyone since your grandfather, but that was so long ago. I’m not s
ure I can love you.”

  “You could have killed me the first night, right?”


  “But you didn’t because …”

  Pony smiled. “Because I knew you were special.”

  “And now?”

  Pony felt a rush of heat emanating from her once human heart. “And now … I suppose … that … I love you, too.”

  “You suppose?”

  “I haven’t loved anyone for a long time, John. Not since your grandfather.” Pony said.

  “Then I suppose, that’s good enough.” John kissed her and held her, his erection growing again. He looked down. “Is this going to happen every time?”

  “I don’t know,” Pony said. “I guess we’ll find that out … together.” She held her arms around her chest. “Um, I’m getting warm. I need to cool down.”


  They vacated the shower, dried off, dressed, and went back to John’s room. The bed had been made with fresh linen.

  “Do you think your mom heard?” Pony asked.

  “Trust me if she did, she will let me know.”

  Pony lay on the freshly made bed and John lay down with her. He cuddled her, kissed her neck, and pulled her closer to him.

  “How do you feel being in this house again?”

  “At first it was hard, like that day we went to Aqua City, but now it’s not so bad. Now I know it’s not this house at all. It’s the people who live in it that make it what it is. My mother abandoned me to get away from my father. I guess I can’t blame her. The only thing she left behind, besides me, was the kimono. My father was asshole. Even when he was teaching me how to use a sword, he would taunt me and knock me down. Like he was training with a grown man. I was fourteen when I met my sister and my second father. I was their protector for two years before I was turned.”

  “Your second father turned you?”


  “Where is he?”


  “Dead dead or vampire dead?” John asked.

  “Dead dead.”

  “What happened to him?”

  “I killed him.”

  “You killed your second father too?” John asked.

  “Yes. I have serious daddy issues.” She smiled. “My second father was good at first, but then he changed. He started turning into a monster.” She looked into his eyes. “You’re wondering if I would ever kill you, aren’t you?”